LED lighting
Businesses are constantly looking at new ways to increase employee productivity and well-being, make energy savings and improve efficiency. One of the most important influences on these areas is lighting.
Among other things, it can account for about 80 per cent of a company’s energy use and have an impact on the way its people operate. However, replacing your lighting system often gives a speedy return on investment, with payback often coming as little as 18 months later.
New, efficient LED lighting cuts energy bills, maintenance costs and your carbon footprint. It helps you improve your workspace for the benefit of staff and visitors, reduce downtime and improve productivity.
You can make the environment visually comfortable with lighting that is suited to the task. Where it’s appropriate, your staff can personalise lighting as they see fit.

And connected lighting systems can help create ‘smart’ buildings. They allow you to gather data to help optimise your services and operations and improve workplace design.
If you’d like to upgrade your lighting systems and gain all of these advantages, AKD can help. Focusing on your needs and wishes, we’ll check your existing installation and give you clear advice on how to make the most of your lighting set-up.
This can include everything from a complete redesign to a simple LED retrofit solution.

Contact us now to find out more:
Email: electrical@akd.net
Edinburgh: +44 (0)131 654 7080
Cheshire: +44 (0)1270 38 2009
Glasgow: +44 (0)141 374 2009